Sunday 11 January 2015

Mashed Potatoes

Everyone likes Mashed Potatoes, but it can get screwed up easily. So here's a fool-proof version, with lots of butter. Serve with a slow-cooked dish like Gullasch or Braised Pork Cheeks.

For Mashed Potatoes you'll need:

(4 persons)
1½ kg starchy Potatoes
3 dl Whole Milk
100g Butter
1 tsp Nutmeg

Start by peeling the potatoes and cutting them into smaller pieces (to lower the cooking time). Boil for about 15 minutes, or until fork tender. Drain and leave it to steam off the last water (water can make the mash grainy). Add butter and wait for it to melt. Mash with a whisk and add the whole milk until it has a creamy consistency. Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper.
Serve with a slow-cooked dish like Gullasch or Braised Pork Cheeks.

Suggested drinks: Beer

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